Become A Reviewer For KidsOutAndAbout! | What’s happening in Tampa

Become A Reviewer For KidsOutAndAbout!

Do you love where you live?
Do you love doing fun things with your kids??
Do you have a knack for writing??

YES?! Then we would love to get to know you better!

From area activities and events to local attractions and exhibits, there's a TON of opportunities for families out there. We all have busy lives and packed schedules, so choosing what to do with the kids in our lives can be a big challenge. That's why we are always looking for guest reviewers who can help us recommend things to the thousands of parents, grandparents, and other caregivers who depend upon KidsOutAndAbout for suggestions.

To get started, please read our submission guidelines and then email a writing sample to the relevant editor for your region. Your sample doesn't need to be a review or cover a particular subject. Basically, we just want to get a feel for your style and see your grammar in action.


1. Spellcheck is your friend except when it isn't. Read over your submission to make sure that spellcheck hasn't let a "lime" slip in when you meant to say "line."

2. Avoid 10 words when 6 will communicate your message.

3. Be personable.


1. Will I get paid? No, but you will be able to see shows, go to events, visit attractions and preview exhibits with your family for free!

2. Will I get a byline? Yes.

3. Will I be given assignments or can I select what I review?  A little of both - you'll receive more information about how it all works if you're selected.

4. Will I keep the copyright? Sometimes. If the review was done entirely on your own initiative, then yes. If we procured the tickets or made arrangements for you to visit the location, then your article will be copyrighted KidsOutAndAbout, but of course you will have your byline.

5. How long will my article live on your web site? As long as it's relevant, which is often many years. We take down anything that has become outdated.

We can't wait to hear from you!

Debra Ross

Click on the appropriate editor's link to email him or her your sample or ask any questions. Make sure the subject of your email is "Interested in reviewing local events for" And within the body of your email, please include your address and phone number.

Albany Ann Arbor / Detroit Austin Buffalo
Denver Fairfield County Hartford Houston
Hudson Valley Minneapolis/St. Paul Nashville Rochester
Salt Lake City San Antonio St. Louis Westchester County